2010年7月25日 星期日

2010/7/16 Play Basketball & Crazy Karaoke Night

Ari and Ankit had a presentation this morning. I think they presented very well!

They really did a good job!

We saw guys playing basketball this afternoon. Since I am not good at sport and I don't like to sweat, I just wanted to be cheerleader at first. But after a while, Lydie, Vicky, Lynn, me and Allen started to play basketball.

They decided to go to Karaoke tonight...
But I did not drive my car today, I was afraid that there was no transport to go back to Hsinchu, so I did not want to go at first. But they were so excited and wished all of us can go, so I dicided to go!

2010/7/13 Tamsui Old Street

After visiting Taipei Metro, we went to Tamsui Old Street this afternoon.
I bought a pair of black, elegant and pretty sandals. Black is my favor color, it really made me feel good! Although it cost me 1880 NT dollars. Girls like shopping!!

I also bought a pair of sunglasses. I used to bug several sunglasses in Canada, but after I came back to Taiwan, they seem no use here, because it is a little bit weird to wear sunglasses in Taiwan. However, it was fine to wear sunglasses with foreign friends.

I got a gift!

Ari said," I want to win Bonnie something." And he really won me a pen bag, Lydie also got one! He is always so nice!

2010/7/24 Fulong Beach

We went to Fulong Beach today.
Speak frankly, I did not like water! Because I used to fall into the swimming pool and almost drowned when I was ten, and I still had high fever. But I thought it was the last time we could have fun together, so I decided to go.

2010/7/11 Bowling Alley& Indoor Baseball and Softball field

My friends of toastmasters, James and Emily, and I invited our MTSU friends to play bowling this afternoon. The bowling alley was a little bit far away from CYCU, so James and I drove our cars took them to the bowling alley, respectively. Later, my friends of TM ,Gulian and Eddie, and Jason and Stanley also came here to join us.

When we took on the bowling shoes, they told me the bowling shoes were comfortable and pretty because the bowling shoes were always old and ugly in the U.S.! Everyone picked their bowling and started to play.


We visited National Palace Museum this morning. It seemed that the environment of National Palace Museum has changed a lot, it was not the same with my childhood memory! Anyway, the antiques and the arts were still beautiful and magnificent as the same. And we heard every kind of language everywhere, especially mainland China!
Then we went to Taipei 101 to had a lunch. To tell the truth, the food that we chose for our lunch, Teppanyaki, which was unpalatable and expensive! The meat was so tough and the vegetables were tasteless! After finishing our horrible lunch, since foreign students wanted to see the top of 101, we separated. Girls wanted to go shopping, so we kept walking to search for our objective around the departmant store near Taipei 101!
In the end, we went to visit Liberty Square. There were lots of people flew a kite, walked a dog and took a walk. We were so tired and took some pictures. It is a substantial day!

2010/7/23 Chungli Toastmasters

I had to deliver a speech today. I still had high fever and not felt good. But I told myself, "Cheer up! No more excuse!" I invited my friends Jason, Lydie and Lydie's brother and students of MTSU, Ari, Ankit and Nick.
Because I am one of the officer, SAA (sergeant at arms), so I have to arrive at the meeting room early everytime. But today I was a little bit late, so I was upset and worried about my speech.

My speech was a nightmare! My topic was " What are friends for?" I totally forgot the content of my speech on the stage. I felt embarrassed and felt sorry for my friends and every audience!

I blame myself, but it's too late! The most sad thing is, I almost can remember every words of my content after delivering my speech!!!

However, Ari and Nick did a great job and got a award! I was so proud of them!

The second run of today was karaoke because one of our memebers, Gary Chen, who will go to study abroad in the U.S.

"My speech"

What are friends for?

What’s the most important thing in your life?
For me, the most important thing is friendship. Most of my friends told me,” Bonnie, the first time I saw you, I thought you are that kind of girl who is cold, detached and maybe hard to get along with, and I even didn’t want to get close to you!” Yea, I know what you think, I am used to hear about that! Then they said, “But after becoming your friend, I found that you are nice and easygoing.”
Yes! Most people usually misunderstand me and have a wrong image of me, so I am not easy to get friends in the beginning. That’s why I treat friendship as my most important thing and protect it carefully.
But that’s not the only reason that I need friends so much. What are friends for? There are the other reasons that I need friends. Because
1. Good friends can help me differentiate between right and wrong.
2. Good friends can be with me in the thick-and-thin of time.
3. Good friends can know me and love me just the same.
4. Good friends can lend things and never ask back.
5. Good friends can lend me their shoulders to lean on in tough times.
6. Good friends can remind me of the good times.
7. Good friends can ask for advice all times.
8. Good friends can hang out with me even at 2 a.m. fearlessly.
9. Good friends can share my sorrows and double my joys.
10. Good friends can share my views and socialize.
However, if we want to make friends with somebody, we should do something first to show our good intention. Develop a good beginning conversation with them. Give them a vibe that we desire to be their friend and want to develop a good relationship.
After becoming somebody’s friend, we should be good and kindhearted friends! Since friends can help us a lot, we must give some feedback to show our gratitude and loyalty.
So, what should we do?
1. Always be open-minded and show respect to them, that's what draw people to develop a true friendship. Always respect their opinion.
2. Always be a person of our word! This will open the door that person can trust us! For example: someone come to you and says not to tell her secrets to anyone, and it's between you and me. That means you deserve to be trusted.
3. Allow friends to be comfortable to be themselves around us. Never judge and criticize them in a negative way. If we do that, then it closes the door of this friendship.
4. Always show excitement towards friends when they come around us. This is a sign that we are interested in being a true friend.
5. Always call them, always check on them, and make time for them.
6. Be there for them in the rough times. That's shows them that we are true friends.

Thank god always gives me so many good friends in my whole life. I can’t image how I can live without friends. What are friends for? Don't walk behind them, they may not lead. Don't walk in front of them, they may not follow. Just walk beside them and be their friend!


2010/7/22 Visit SanHo Paper and Carton Co.

We went to visit SanHo Paper and Carton Co. this afternoon. The company is located in the suburbs of Chungli City and the scale of this company seems not too big to find out. Unfortunately, I had had a high fever from last night, so today's visiting I still felt dizzy.

At the beginning, they led us to a meeting room and introduced us to their company. After the introduction, they took us to visit each of their factories.

We first saw the workers packaged the product of the other cooperative companies, such as Colgate Toothpaste. Most of the packaged workers were female because the work was easier. Each works had to wear a dust-proof hat avoided dropping their hair on the product.

Then, we entered a huge, hot and dark paper factory. There were any kind of original paper materials, such as cardboard, carton, pattern, paper matrixes and big cardboard boxes. The enthusiastic workers told us how to use their cardboard boxes to protect the product and replace the Styrofoam for environmental protection.

We found out that the workers worked very hard because there was no air conditioning, only few old, rusty and noisy fans. Therefore, we should treasure our opportunity of study and thank our parents for giving us such a great life!

2010/7/14 Hsinchu Science Park~My hometown

Today, we went to visit Hsinchu Science Park, the most important high-tech industry area in taiwan. At first, I was no interested in this visiting, because I was born in Hsinchu and grow up here. However, although Hsinchu is my hometown, I have never been in Science Park before, just past through.

When our bus drove in the Science Park, we went in to a big information building. There are some receptionists led us into a meeting room and a pretty lady started to introduce us the Hsinchu Science Park by power point. Hsinchu Science Park was initiated on December 15, 1980 because of government's policy. Her sound is pleasing and her pronunciation is really wonderful. All in all, I totally enjoyed her professional introduction.

After the introduction, we move to science museum. At the first floor, there are many Hsinchu Science Park paintings by children, they are cute and creative. At the second floor, there are some history collection about the agricultural industry and high-tech development of taiwan. Finally, we went to the third floor, they exhibit many high-tech product of Taiwan's company. We tried some interesting product for a while. They are awesome!

In the end, we took our bus and looked around the Science Park. I have never thought Hsinchu Science Park is so grand and significant. In a word, I am so proud of my hometown!

2010年7月24日 星期六

2010/7/21 VISIT FTV

We went to visit FTV this afternoon. This was my first time to visit this kind of TV station, so I was so excited about that!
At the beginning, they showed us a video about the series of soap opera that they produced. It seems that their soap opera is very popular in Taiwan. Although I am not familiar with their soap opera, but I still felt very interested! The exaggerative and hypocritical performance made everyone laugh and surprise, especially the foreign students!
After watching the video, there was a handsome American came into the meeting room and introduced us about the operation of FTV then let us to ask questions. But some of the political questions was involved in this interview, so after that, most of Taiwanese students did not feel comfortable! Because there were still some foreign students here, we were afraid that his opinion would make a negative impression on our foreign students, Taiwanese students were a little bit angry ( although most he talked about were true!)
Afterward a beautiful lady, one of the English anchor, who led us to visit their studios. The temperature of every studio was very cold becuase they had to protect the machines. We sat on the newsroom then pretended we were the anchor and broadcasted the news. We took lots of pictures and really had fun!

2010年7月17日 星期六

2010/7/13 Taipei Metro


Today, we went to visit Taipei Metro, which is the most convenient and important transport in Taipei. We assembled at 8:50 am, then we took our tourist coach to Taipei, just spent 50 minutes.
At first, there was a guider who led us to a video room then showed us a video about the Taipei City traffic information and the traffic routes. In the vedio, there was a 21 year-old girl kept walking at streets of Taipai and an aside described every place she past through and how and where to take every kinds of transport. It could attract audience to concentrate on the video(especially for male audience).

Next, we moved to another conference room and saw another video. The video was about 20 minutes and was talking about the transport history and development of Taiwan. I have never thought how difficult to build a road and how convenient we live in Taiwan. We always complain Taiwan is too crowded to live, but never thought it let us get closer to each other.

Then, we leave for our last place in Taipei Metro, the Taipei City Traffic Control and information Center. We saw many controllers, such as Chief, Train, Engineering, Power and Line controller, and there are some TRTS Future Route Map show us the Taipei City transport routes.

Finally, we looked around and took many pictures and tried to use some sample of the equipments. It's very interesting!