2010年7月25日 星期日

2010/7/23 Chungli Toastmasters

I had to deliver a speech today. I still had high fever and not felt good. But I told myself, "Cheer up! No more excuse!" I invited my friends Jason, Lydie and Lydie's brother and students of MTSU, Ari, Ankit and Nick.
Because I am one of the officer, SAA (sergeant at arms), so I have to arrive at the meeting room early everytime. But today I was a little bit late, so I was upset and worried about my speech.

My speech was a nightmare! My topic was " What are friends for?" I totally forgot the content of my speech on the stage. I felt embarrassed and felt sorry for my friends and every audience!

I blame myself, but it's too late! The most sad thing is, I almost can remember every words of my content after delivering my speech!!!

However, Ari and Nick did a great job and got a award! I was so proud of them!

The second run of today was karaoke because one of our memebers, Gary Chen, who will go to study abroad in the U.S.

"My speech"

What are friends for?

What’s the most important thing in your life?
For me, the most important thing is friendship. Most of my friends told me,” Bonnie, the first time I saw you, I thought you are that kind of girl who is cold, detached and maybe hard to get along with, and I even didn’t want to get close to you!” Yea, I know what you think, I am used to hear about that! Then they said, “But after becoming your friend, I found that you are nice and easygoing.”
Yes! Most people usually misunderstand me and have a wrong image of me, so I am not easy to get friends in the beginning. That’s why I treat friendship as my most important thing and protect it carefully.
But that’s not the only reason that I need friends so much. What are friends for? There are the other reasons that I need friends. Because
1. Good friends can help me differentiate between right and wrong.
2. Good friends can be with me in the thick-and-thin of time.
3. Good friends can know me and love me just the same.
4. Good friends can lend things and never ask back.
5. Good friends can lend me their shoulders to lean on in tough times.
6. Good friends can remind me of the good times.
7. Good friends can ask for advice all times.
8. Good friends can hang out with me even at 2 a.m. fearlessly.
9. Good friends can share my sorrows and double my joys.
10. Good friends can share my views and socialize.
However, if we want to make friends with somebody, we should do something first to show our good intention. Develop a good beginning conversation with them. Give them a vibe that we desire to be their friend and want to develop a good relationship.
After becoming somebody’s friend, we should be good and kindhearted friends! Since friends can help us a lot, we must give some feedback to show our gratitude and loyalty.
So, what should we do?
1. Always be open-minded and show respect to them, that's what draw people to develop a true friendship. Always respect their opinion.
2. Always be a person of our word! This will open the door that person can trust us! For example: someone come to you and says not to tell her secrets to anyone, and it's between you and me. That means you deserve to be trusted.
3. Allow friends to be comfortable to be themselves around us. Never judge and criticize them in a negative way. If we do that, then it closes the door of this friendship.
4. Always show excitement towards friends when they come around us. This is a sign that we are interested in being a true friend.
5. Always call them, always check on them, and make time for them.
6. Be there for them in the rough times. That's shows them that we are true friends.

Thank god always gives me so many good friends in my whole life. I can’t image how I can live without friends. What are friends for? Don't walk behind them, they may not lead. Don't walk in front of them, they may not follow. Just walk beside them and be their friend!


