2010年7月25日 星期日

2010/7/16 Play Basketball & Crazy Karaoke Night

Ari and Ankit had a presentation this morning. I think they presented very well!

They really did a good job!

We saw guys playing basketball this afternoon. Since I am not good at sport and I don't like to sweat, I just wanted to be cheerleader at first. But after a while, Lydie, Vicky, Lynn, me and Allen started to play basketball.

They decided to go to Karaoke tonight...
But I did not drive my car today, I was afraid that there was no transport to go back to Hsinchu, so I did not want to go at first. But they were so excited and wished all of us can go, so I dicided to go!

3 則留言:

  1. I like the action shot you got of me playing basketball, and I did witness with my own eyes you shooting the basketball even though you were hesistant at first. Its been a fun trip thanks for the hospitality.

  2. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  3. I am glad that you went to Karaoke night with us, because I like it when everybody has fun together. "You are my flower" is one of my favorites now! When everyone from CYCU danced, it was so cool!
